Tuesday 21 February 2012

Stair lift

A lady has contacted Austin Mitchell about a stair lift the council paid for that has just been installed in her home. Apparently it is next to useless as it jumps when it comes to a join in the rail. The contractor has said it will take ages to order new rails. And the advice from the council officer in the mean time "just go up the stairs on your hand and knees". Where do we find this class of employee. This poor lady has not been to bed for two weeks. That's going to do her osteoporosis the world of good isn't it.
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1 comment:

  1. Tsk. Tsk. That’s dangerous. A defective stair lift might cause an accident. I think it’s unethical for the contractor and the council to advice the lady to go up the stairs using her hands and knees knowing that she obviously has mobility difficulties. It would be better for her to acquire a better stair lift next time from a more reliable dealer.

    Tanisha Hertzler
